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Showing posts from April, 2018


Cocconeis Extremely common flat oval diatoms.10-30 micron long.clinging to plants stones and other substrada some times in almost continuous layer cleaned frustule 3 cells on an Oedogonium filament. RlPPLE WALLET : rE9VzDvqozvgbd2trCKitN4fSi6ENiHu41  


Euastrum Cells somewhat flattened,but not to such a degree as in Micrasterias and having angular lobes,while the ends are often deeply notched.Cells 10-200 micron long.Acidic pools and boggy places. RlPPLE WALLET : rE9VzDvqozvgbd2trCKitN4fSi6ENiHu41


Xanthidium Cells ornamented with various combinations of spines,but not triangular in end wiev as Straurastrum.10-200 micron long. Found in acidic or boggy pools etc. RlPPLE WALLET : rE9VzDvqozvgbd2trCKitN4fSi6ENiHu41


Micrasterias Cells very flat and leaf or plate like oval in outline with the edges variously cut of fissured.Up to 350 micron long.Acidic pools and boggy places. RlPPLE WALLET : rE9VzDvqozvgbd2trCKitN4fSi6ENiHu41


Staurastrum Each half cell is triangular in end view,with three corners spines or arms.Cells vary up to 130 micron in length and are common in the plankton of lakes. RlPPLE WALLET : rE9VzDvqozvgbd2trCKitN4fSi6ENiHu41


Cosmarium Elliptical or angular in outline,but without spines or other processes.A big and difficult genus,particularly common in boggy places, but a few species are found in water bodies of all types 10-200 micron long. RlPPLE WALLET : rE9VzDvqozvgbd2trCKitN4fSi6ENiHu41


Closterium A crescent-shaped desmid found commonly in ponds,lakes and slow rivers,as well as in bogs.Some of the species have large and conspicuous cells reaching nearly 1 mm in length,while others particularly the plantonic ones,may be much more selender and almost straight. RlPPLE WALLET : rE9VzDvqozvgbd2trCKitN4fSi6ENiHu41


Chodatella Like Oocystis in size and shape but with several selender bristles, usually at each end of the cell.Ponds lakes and slow rivers. RlPPLE WALLET : rE9VzDvqozvgbd2trCKitN4fSi6ENiHu41


Oocystis Oval or lemon-shaped cells 5-20 micron long.Sometimes found 2 or 4 together inside the enlarged clear mother cell wall. Ponds, lakes and slow rivers. RlPPLE WALLET : rE9VzDvqozvgbd2trCKitN4fSi6ENiHu41


Chaetophora Branched filaments growing into wooly tufts or balls from which project long colourless hairs.Cells up to 20 micron across.Common as epiphyte of water plants or sticks or stones.sometimes encrusted with crystals of calcium carbonate. RlPPLE WALLET : rE9VzDvqozvgbd2trCKitN4fSi6ENiHu41


Pyramimonas Cells oval or strawberry-shaped 5-25 micron long with four flagella which arise from a pit at the front end. Anterior edge of the choloplast deeply divided into four or eight lobes giving the cell a striped appearance.the is no wall and the cell divides by binary fission .ponds puddles and slow rivers. RlPPLE WALLET : rE9VzDvqozvgbd2trCKitN4fSi6ENiHu41


Stigonema The filaments branch irregularly, and usually from dark furry masses on damp rocks. The cells are rounded, and lie several abreast in the older parts, as shown. Heterocysts scattered, but are not regularly at the bases of branches. The cells vary from 3 to 30um in diameter, but of course the older parts of the plant are very much wider than this. 110a, part of whole plant x20; 110b, tip of a plant showing irregular rows of cells surrounded by mucilage... RlPPLE WALLET : rE9VzDvqozvgbd2trCKitN4fSi6ENiHu41


Rivularia The tapering filaments are up to 12um in diameter and are much branched, with heterocysts at the bases of the branches. These filaments are united to gorm tough hemispherical colonies several mm in diameter, especially conspicuous on stones in stones in mountain streams, but also occurring on reeds and other stems in pools. 109a, colonies on a stone, natural size: 109b. part of a branched filament; 109c. filaments more highly magnified.  Calothrix has filaments like Rivularia, but is much less branched, and the filaments occur singly or in tufts rather than colonies. RlPPLE WALLET : rE9VzDvqozvgbd2trCKitN4fSi6ENiHu41


Tolypothrix This filamentous form has branches of a characteristic type, as shown, usually marked by heterocvsts.It occurs among other water plants. The cells are about 10um broad. 108a, filament with characteristic branch: 108b, and of a filament. Seytonema is similar to Tolypothrix, but the sheaths are much wider and it grows on wet rocks or soil surfaces. RlPPLE WALLET : rE9VzDvqozvgbd2trCKitN4fSi6ENiHu41


Gloeotrichia Cells in tapering filaments with a heteracyst at the thick end. Filaments clustered together by the blunt ends forming spherical furry balls up to several mm diameter, floating at the surface of ponds and lakes. 107a, several filaments; 107b, part of these larger, the right-hand one with a spore; 107c, a floating colony.x20 RlPPLE WALLET : rE9VzDvqozvgbd2trCKitN4fSi6ENiHu41


Aphanizomenon Filamonts somewhat like those of Ana-baena, but less beaded, 2-6um diameter, aggregated together into bundles up to several mm long which float at the surface of ponds and lakes, sometimes abundantly. 106a. parts of 3 filaments, showing a spore ( above ) and a hetero cyst ( below ); 106b a floating colony. x20 RlPPLE WALLET : rE9VzDvqozvgbd2trCKitN4fSi6ENiHu41


Nostoc Filaments like those of Anabaena, but aggregated closely together to from a colony of definite shape which may be green or blackish. On wet rocks, wet soil and flower pots. Colls up to 9um across, colonies up to several centimetres. 105a, filaments inside a young colony: 105b, a colony, natural size. RlPPLE WALLET : rE9VzDvqozvgbd2trCKitN4fSi6ENiHu41


Anabaena Planktonic filamentous algae recognisable by their beaded appearance, often curly, and sometimes having thick walled clearer 'heterocysts' (specialised cells) and sausage shaped dense spores at intervals. Cells up to 10um across.Common in the plankton of lakes and ponds, but sometimes occurring in bogs. The figures show parts of two filaments at different magnifications. RlPPLE WALLET : rE9VzDvqozvgbd2trCKitN4fSi6ENiHu41


Oscillatoria Lyngbya. Phormidium. Three genera difficult to tell apart, even by specialists. Cells united into unbranched filaments,without spores or other specialised bodies, but often with a differently shaped end cell. The filaments can creep slowly along. Diameters vary from 1um to 30 or more. Sometimes found as single filaments, sometimes forming dense mats, often dark bluish green, olive or purplish brown in colour, and with a characteristic small. Very common in all sorts of water bodies, either planktonic or benthic,also in air on wet rocks and soil. RlPPLE WALLET : rE9VzDvqozvgbd2trCKitN4fSi6ENiHu41


Chamaesiphon Small elongated cells up to 5um diameter attached by one end to larger filamentous algae etc, while from the other end a chain of spores is produced. Common.The figure shows three plants of different ages on a filament of Cladophora. RlPPLE WALLET : rE9VzDvqozvgbd2trCKitN4fSi6ENiHu41


Microcystis Small cells up to 5um in diameter,embedded densely in mucilage to form irregular colonies, often pierced with holes. In bogs and lakes, sometimes planktonic. Lamprocystis, one of the purple sulphur bacteria, has colonies like Microcystis, but pink, and lives in ponds and ditches with much decaying vegetation. RlPPLE WALLET : rE9VzDvqozvgbd2trCKitN4fSi6ENiHu41

Gomphosphaeria (Coelosphaerium )

Gomphosphaeria ( Coelosphaerium ) Gomphosphaeria ( Coelosphaerium ). Small cells up to 5um in diameter, united into a hollaw, roughly spherical, floating colony, sometimes blackish in appearanco and often sur-rounded by mucilage. Colonies reach about 100um across.Conspicuous in the plankton of lakes. RlPPLE WALLET : rE9VzDvqozvgbd2trCKitN4fSi6ENiHu41


Merismopedia Easily rocognised by the round cells, 3-10um diameter, dividing only in two planes, producing flat colonies like rafts, a small one being illustrated. Not uncommon in ponds, lakes, bogs, slow rivers. RlPPLE WALLET : rE9VzDvqozvgbd2trCKitN4fSi6ENiHu41


Aphanothece Small elongated cells, 3-8um long, embedded loosely in transparent structureless mucilage, mostly on wet rocks and in boggy pools. A similar genus but with round cells is Aphanocapsa. Synechococcus is another genus which has single cells like those of Aphanothece ( not in colonies ). Part of a colony of Aphanothece is shown. RlPPLE WALLET : rE9VzDvqozvgbd2trCKitN4fSi6ENiHu41


Gloeocapsa Similar to Chroococcus, but cells in general much smaller, up to 8um across, in groups in wide stratified mucilage sheaths,as shown, sometimes bright red, forming masses on wet rocks. RlPPLE WALLET : rE9VzDvqozvgbd2trCKitN4fSi6ENiHu41